Public Participation/Open Forum

Public Participation at Council Meetings

Corcoran Public Meeting Rules of Decorum

The City of Corcoran meets regularly on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:00 pm, with special sessions scheduled when necessary. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8200 County Road 116. The Public is welcome and encouraged to attend. Copies of the agenda packets are posted in advance of the meeting on the City’s website no later than the Monday before the meeting, and in a binder outside of the Council Chambers at least 30 minutes prior to the meeting. Public comment cards are available with the agenda packet binder outside the Council Chambers at least 30 minutes prior to the meeting.

During a meeting of the City Council, there is a need for civility and expedition in the carrying out of public business. In order to ensure the public has a full opportunity to be heard and the City Council has an opportunity to conduct business in an orderly manner, the following rules are established in regards to public participation at City Council meetings.

At each meeting there is a designated period of time for “Open Forum” during which individuals in the audience who wish to speak on an item not on the agenda. For items on the agenda, individuals will have an opportunity to address the Council at the time the agenda item is discussed. Before addressing the City Council, individuals complete a public comment card with name and address and provide it to staff.

Meetings are video recorded so individuals must approach the podium and speak loudly and clearly into the microphone. Individuals must state their name and address for the record. Time is limited to five minutes per person/subject. Longer presentations must be scheduled through the City Administrator’s office.

Council action or discussion should not be expected at the time of Open Forum or during public comment. The City Council will listen and may choose to direct staff to provide further information so that the subject may be studied before action is considered. Individuals requesting specific information will be asked to complete an Information Disclosure Request which will be responded to by City staff.

Public comments are always taken during Public Hearings. However for other items, it is left to the discretion of the Mayor and Councilors as to whether to take comments as they conduct the business of the City.

Individuals unable to attend a City Council meeting or who would like to ask a question before a meeting are encouraged to contact the City Administrator who may be able to answer questions on behalf of the City of Corcoran. 

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