Assembly Uses Performance Standards

Since May of 2021, the City Council has ongoingly discussed the best ways to regulate conditional uses (e.g., assembly uses, places of worship, and educational facilities) in lower density residential districts within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary. A Public Hearing was held on September 2, 2021, for initial feedback on two options under consideration by the City Council. On October 28, 2021, City Council directed staff to proceed forward with a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to attach performance standards for assembly uses and educational facilities allowed by Conditional Use Permit within urban low- and medium-density residential zoning districts. A new Public Hearing to address this specific proposal will be held on December 2, 2021.

The current proposal looks to add 8 performance standards: setbacks, maximum building height, maximum impervious surface, landscaping zone, parking lot screening and landscaping, site access, noise, and additional requirements needed to protect the residential character of neighborhood to be determined based on specific proposals. The Planning Commission also brought up a desire to discuss regulation of potential accessory uses for assembly uses and educational facilities, such as athletic fields, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters. Any updated language for consideration at the Planning Commission Public Hearing on December 2, 2021 will be included in the Agenda packet to be posted on the City's website no later than 11/24/2021.

Meeting Dates

December 2, 2021: Planning Commission & Public Hearing
December 23, 2021: City Council 

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