To apply for a burn permit, click the link below:
If applying for burn permit in person, you must do so during business hours:
Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Burn permits are required to burn anything larger than a 3' x 3' recreational fire. Burn permits are not necessary if the ground is snow-covered: By definition, in Minnesota Statute 88.16 sub. 2 (1): "Snow-covered" means that the ground has a continuous unbroken cover of snow, to a depth of three inches or more, surrounding the immediate area of the fire, sufficient to keep the fire from spreading.
Please check the City website for MN DNR issued burn restrictions. Restrictions are usually placed on during the months of April and May of each year and extend until vegetative materials have greened up. This is determined by the MN DNR.
Click below for the current restrictions from the MN DNR:
MN DNR Burning Restrictions/Fire Danger Rating
Remember that burning the following items is strictly prohibited:
- Hazardous wastes
- Industrial solid waste
- Demolition debris of commercial or institutional structures. (A farm building is not a commercial structure.) Burning of any structure should be referred to a forest officer.
- Salvage operations
- Motor vehicles
- Oils
- Rubber
- Plastics
- Chemically-treated materials
- Other materials which produce excessive or noxious smoke, such as, but not limited to: tires, railroad ties, chemically-treated lumber, composite board, sheet rock, wiring, paint, or paint filters.
- Garbage, defined as discarded material resulting from the handling, processing, storage, preparation, serving, or consumption of food.
Please see the links below for further information:
MN DNR Burning Debris TipsUseful information on debris burning
Corcoran Burning GuidelinesCorcoran Burning Guidelines
Corcoran Fact Sheet Burn PermitsCorcoran Fact Sheet for Burn Permits