The City generally begins with the dust control road application the first part of June. There are currently two programs available from the City, the Assessment Program, and the Voluntary Program.
An assessment is for residential streets that have been identified in the City's Assessment Program. These property owners will receive a notice of public hearing, which is generally scheduled in April. At this hearing, the City will review roads scheduled to receive dust control and address any concerns or questions these residents may have. The cost for the program is then assessed to those benefiting property owners. Property owners have the option to pay for the service or have it placed on their taxes; however, additional fees will be attached. If your street is not part of this program and your neighborhood is interested in pursuing this please contact the City Hall to obtain information on how to petition for inclusion in the Assessment Program.
The Voluntary Program is for residents that choose to have the area in front of their property treated for dust control on the street that is not identified in the Assessment Program. There is a minimum of 300 feet that the City will apply an application to. Residents interested in participating in th Voluntary Program must contact the City Hall and prepay for the application prior to May 1.